Have you ever read a text that was full of unessecary apostrophes? I have and trust me you just feel like saying to the author WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY APOSTROPHES!? but you wouldnt because there is something called common curtesy and I would like to think that I show a little bit of that but back to the subject
me: apostrophes do we need them? are they relevant to the world would we all be changed?
dictionary: !YES!
me: why?
dictionary: well how could you tell is something was mine or yours?
me: .....
dictionary: WELL
me: .....
dictionary: ok you were probably going to say oh yes dictionary yo are soooooo smart!
me: well no not really
dictionary: WHAT?
me: well I think people do not need slang see how instead of writing don't I wrote do not
dictionary: oh well I do miss the good old days..... BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!
me: so what is the point?
dictionary: the piont is um er um...... ah! oh no that wouldnt work... um...er
me: WELL
dictionary: ok I give up you win we dont need apostrophes :'(
me: oh yes I win again tune in next week to watch the problem with commers on getting rid of punctuation :D