Saturday, 21 July 2012

are dogs smart or stupid?

Sometimes I think my dog is metally insane, other times I think he's kinda smart.

E.g. sometimes he will react to any name my favourite is washing machine which isnt to bright in my point of view

and other times he will bark at the fence when there is nothing there and then go straight to where he gets his food and he expects a refill which is smart in my eyes

so you get what I mean smart and stupid (for information my dog is called Archie) but its the irritating times when I want to smash him so badly (but I dont) for example Archie needs to pee he'll whine at the door and then keep doing it until we get up or let him out/in. There is also when he wants a cuddle and he starts niggling and licking at your hand (especially when you're typing like now) you have two options to whack him away or pat him until he gets bored now option one is cruel and makes you feel really bad and guilty which links you to doing option two but if you start off with option two you'll get bored and eventually just go back to what you were doing which makes the problem worse beacuse your dog will start niggling again. So to sum it all up either option doesn't work and you might as well move.

(update) my dog has just dropped to the floor and is grovelling on his side :D

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