Saturday, 15 December 2012


Hey guys

I haven't been blogging because i'm in some state of depression
Why can't I get over this??
The thing is my best friend left adelaide to go to brisbane and i'll probably never see her again. It makes me really sad and I do email her but I cry every time I read one of her emails which is stupid and pointless but I can't help it.

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Hey guys
guess what......................................................wait for it............................................................................................................................................wait for it.................................................................................................wait for it.......................................................................................................................................................ok here it is                       IT'S CHRISTMAS IN 19 DAYS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

anyway I can't wait I really can't wait! I'm just so excited and happy and I'll wait around the christmas tree for Santa!
But then I'm really bad at staying up late.
I've always seemed to be scared of Santa maybe because the people who act to be him are kind of creepy and usually have a black beard (when you take off the fake one) not a white beard

Anyway I Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Hey guys
so like ages ago i'm not sure maybe 3-4 months ago my mum got an ipad 3rd generation and i was very excited to get an app and play on it and I was like eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
My mum didn't know what she was doing
So slowly (extremely fast) I got more and more addicted up to a point where I was on it for the majority of the time and I was not backing down I WOULD HOLD ON STRONG well until my mum insisted I got off and if I didn't there would be a punishment and then slowly after that I got addicted to minecraft!

Monday, 3 December 2012


hey guys
today I finished my last lot of home work and i'm so happy I feel like having a party with myself!!!
i'm soooooooooooo happy!!!!
But then I start my homework all over again next year :( sad face.
so so very sad!!!
But I suppose i'll get over it I mean it's not like the sky has fallen down on me seriously anyway thats all I really have to say so bye!

Sunday, 2 December 2012


hey guys
so if you saw the picture and posted a comment and you guessed italy..................................YOU'RE WRONG but if you posted portugal then............................................YOU'RE RIGHT!!!
so onto more important stuff I just realised that I didn't have to stay up late last night finishing spelling home work this is me when doing spelling home work,

I don't actually put that up it's usually very neat and all of it's done but i'm a mess sunday nights trying to get it done I also don't spell like that and most of the things I get wrong are just typos because i'm typing like this:
I also do so in the morning just after I wake up some people say a shower wakes them up i say a fresh cup of blogging and posts wakes me up the lightning is mainly static electricity and some are escaped brain cells that are having a spasm around the place attracting real lightning
Any way this who I am and I gotta go bye


hey guys i'm going there you know the picture soon yay it's.................................................... wait for it!!! i won't tell you till the next post sorry but if you can guess the place please tell me! (in comments) I'd be glad to get some answers but don't worry i'm going next september so I have a lomg way to go.
a lot has happened from my last post some personal and some perfectly fine to tell you this is me being excited about going to *that place up there*

i'm really excited I GET TO GO OVERSEAS i might not post though because i'll be looking at old buildings and histiorical churches (another clue as to where i'm going) but i will try my best i have just found out that kiwi and salmon tastes quite nice but not better than sushi sushi mmmmmm

so anyway i gotta go cya i'll post tomorrow (I hope I mean I have school and what not)

Sunday, 9 September 2012


hey guys,

Thursday, 26 July 2012


hey guys today at school I had to do TWO lots of maths the first lot of maths was ok but the second lot was HORRIFIC I mean how do you simplify stuff and how the heck do you make an improper fraction into a proper fraction how does this make sense:

1      1
- plus-  so you add the numerators (2) and you put the denominators on the bottom and in my head it should
1      1   look a bit like this 2 over 1 but noooo some people just can't stand it being complicated and then they add improper fractions which means what I think is right is WRONG and then the rest is a bit of a blur for me this is how I feel

this is a SUPER confused owl and when my teacher explains it I look rather similar to that. anyway until next time "adios"

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


hi guys
sorry i havn't been posting but its getting increasingly harder what with school and homework but I promise I will fix that i'm deciding that I will do one post every day instead of two posts every day i'm so busy that I can't really find time to blog but on the weekends I promise to do two blogs each day on the weekends!

UPDATE: my fried egg looks a bit like a love heart O_o

UPDATE: I have just seen a teeny weeny slug and now i'm standing on the couch staring at it

UPDATE: my dad walked in and stepped on it I probably wont bother telling him tee hee hee

if you like nyan cat go here and here

Sunday, 22 July 2012

the guardian

hi guys,
do you know the guardian you know the website newspaper well i'm applying to get into the childrens literature section I hope I get in though i'm still writing the application email because my mum said I should give it thought and time so I am I still have school though so if I get in maybe I could ask to do it in school time If you guys want to see and maybe join it click here if you liked that and applied good on you (thats if you are a child)


heys guys since i'm nice i'm starting to give out free advertising and since my parents are the editors of an architecture magazine called Ultima Thule and well since the're my parents I thought i'd advertise these guys first tell me if you like it (it's more for the sophisticated reader)

Saturday, 21 July 2012




are dogs smart or stupid?

Sometimes I think my dog is metally insane, other times I think he's kinda smart.

E.g. sometimes he will react to any name my favourite is washing machine which isnt to bright in my point of view

and other times he will bark at the fence when there is nothing there and then go straight to where he gets his food and he expects a refill which is smart in my eyes

so you get what I mean smart and stupid (for information my dog is called Archie) but its the irritating times when I want to smash him so badly (but I dont) for example Archie needs to pee he'll whine at the door and then keep doing it until we get up or let him out/in. There is also when he wants a cuddle and he starts niggling and licking at your hand (especially when you're typing like now) you have two options to whack him away or pat him until he gets bored now option one is cruel and makes you feel really bad and guilty which links you to doing option two but if you start off with option two you'll get bored and eventually just go back to what you were doing which makes the problem worse beacuse your dog will start niggling again. So to sum it all up either option doesn't work and you might as well move.

(update) my dog has just dropped to the floor and is grovelling on his side :D

Friday, 20 July 2012

The problem with apostrophes

Have you ever read a text that was full of unessecary apostrophes? I have and trust me you just feel like saying to the author WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY APOSTROPHES!? but you wouldnt because there is something called common curtesy and I would like to think that I show a little bit of that but back to the subject

me: apostrophes do we need them? are they relevant to the world would we all be changed?

dictionary: !YES!

me: why?

dictionary: well how could you tell is something was mine or yours?

me: .....

dictionary: WELL

me: .....

dictionary: ok you were probably going to say oh yes dictionary yo are soooooo smart!

me: well no not really

dictionary: WHAT?

me: well I think people do not need slang see how instead of writing don't I wrote do not

dictionary: oh well I do miss the good old days..... BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!

me: so what is the point?

dictionary: the piont is um er um...... ah! oh no that  wouldnt work...

me: WELL

dictionary: ok I give up you win we dont need apostrophes :'(

me: oh yes I win again tune in next week to watch the problem with commers on getting rid of punctuation :D



since my life hasnt been very exciting this may not amuse you but its a tale of what happened to me and my sister when I was 3 and she was 5 my mum put out some painting stuff for us to do now you probably think yep she has such a boring life and I do it's sad to say so. Anyway my mum was sitting inside doing what old people "do" my dad was probably reading newspaper though I dought it and my mum I think was making lunch on a peacful Sunday well thats what she thought it was that was NOT what we had planned anyway my sister was painting you know the usual 5 year old stuff when I splashed her with some paint then the war begain we were screaming and fighting through that I dont know what my parents were thinking but anyways they came out and there were in our undies looking like multicoloured hooligans!


when I was slightly older and 4 having a bigger see on things going on around me my dad had to bring in some sort of tower structure and it was about 10 feet (which is pretty big) but to us (sister and I) it was some sort of magical rapunzel tower a gazxillion kilometres high and we wanted to try it so there we were we would climb up the ladder and we would bring some stuff up like mirrors and all that princess stuff but when the wind blowed so did the tower and I suddenly felt unsafe (remembering I had a bigger see so death was one of them) and I started crying I would yell DADDY, HELP ME and he told me that I had to get down myself so there I was clinging on for dear life when I finally touched the ground it was the happiest moment in that day but I quickly recovered from my fear 5-10 minutes later and wanted to come back up again and then the whole DADDY, HELP ME thing started again this went on about 5 or 6 times and then my dad had to take the "magical rapunzel tower away.

hyperbole and a half

hey guys there is this really cool blog and its called "hyperbole and a half" here is the url
its super funny my favourite one is "the party" its soo funny and at some point Allie brosh is five and dangling out a car door :D everyone thumbs up and go there its the best blog ever I wish I had such a childhood! and a shout out to Allie I hope simple dog hasn't killed it self from fear of horse statues!

I felt like a platypus


Have you ever woken up feeling you were something else? I have, last monday I felt like a platypus and speaking of that here is a link to a youtube video its of a platypus puppet and it sings! so check it out here
it seems like a big url but its a short video trust me :D heres another one
ha lol another one yep the url's here
oh yeah back seat driving! but if you have woken up feeling like something else tell me in the comments
and how do you feel when people type "alot" rather than "a lot" its like what's your problem do you have a mental typing thing or are you stupid? But I just do what Allie Brosh does so if some one types I'm "alot" better at swimming than Ian Thorpe so what I do is an Alot is a mythical creature half bear half bat and then i take away the I'm and now is says Alot better at swimming than Ian Thorpe and in my mind the Alot is known for its superior swimming skills :D
UPDATE: I have just watched my dog run into a glass screen/door and I think he's still trying to get through it :D